Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Safari: Early End

Traveling with White Spork into the wilds of Africa, we happened upon a tribe. I was lucky enough to be able to capture these amazing photos from the shrubery near by. White Spork did not fare as well...

"Hey!! We're new to these parts! Whatcha y'all doin'?"

"Is that a fire pit?"

"No. Spork pit. For sacrifice to gods."

"Oooook... Welp, I think it's time we start heading back now. Thanks for your time boys!"

"You don't go anywhere. Stay for ceremony."

"This is so bad... Tell my mom I love her!"

*chant* *chant* *chant*


  1. Holy-moly! I didn't know there were still sporcannibals in Afrika! The horror, the horror!

  2. They're way deep in some forest or jungle or something.
