Wednesday, August 11, 2010

An Idea Was Born...

As I sat enjoying my Cobb (not sure if I should capitalize that, but spell check goes away when I do) salad that I risked life and limb crossing grocery store picket lines for, I marveled at the handy spork that was so neatly folded into a small plastic package alongside a cheap, thin napkin. I also recalled my sister saying she was very anti-spork because her preferred utensil is a grapefruit spoon. Not only are grapefruit spoons scoopy, but stabby. And, they have the stamina to stab someone and not snap in half once hitting flesh.
This got me to thinking... "Hey!," I thought, "Sporks can be EQUALLY scoopy and stabby. Well, now that they have TITANIUM sporks..." So, just in spite of my sister, and for no good reason at all, Sporky was born. Sporky and his new found spork friends will happen upon many adventures in this blog (thanks to the very talented Bean and myself), and one day even their own website, for your viewing pleasure and to contribute to the early-age heart attack my anger prone sister will surely have in the very near future defending her stance on grapefruit spoons, proving their strength and durability and trying in vain to disprove the strength and durability of sporks everywhere. Enjoy.


  1. LMAO! So, is Bean helping with "fashion" design or what?

  2. She sure is! She's amazing at making costumes out of nothing. She's practically a genius.
